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如何更改寫入憑證內之E-mail信箱? How to revise the E-mail address written in the certificate?
如需更改寫入憑證的E-mail信箱,請至內政部憑證管理中心網址: https://moica.nat.gov.tw / 外來人口 / 憑證作業 / 新增憑證內電子郵件信箱,作業方式敬請參閱網頁說明。不論憑證用戶是否有更改寫入的E-mail信箱,都對憑證使用上無何影響。
If you need to change the E-mail address written in the certificate, please go to the Certificate Authority of MOI website: https://moica.nat.gov.tw/ and click alien citizen/certificate process/add and revise email in digital certificate and refer to the webpage description for the related operation. Regardless of whether the certificate subscriber has revised the E-mail address written in the certificate, it does not affect the use of the certificate.
E-mail信箱寫入憑證注意事項 Notes for filling in the E-mail address in the certificate

(1) After the E-mail address is written in the certificate or the E-mail address written in the certificate is revised for the application, the Certificate Management Center will update the user's certificate information. If the login application service displays the message “Card identity and account identity do not match”, it is because the application system does not have the certificate subscriber’s new certificate authorization. For the internal application system, it is recommended to contact the information management administrator or personnel to re-import the certificate authorization and log in again.
(2) If you cannot write the E-mail mailbox normally into the certificate IC card on the webpage, please contact the customer service hotline: 0800-080-117 for assistance.
申請憑證時選擇不要將E-mail Address寫入憑證中,但是現在想要收發安全電子郵件卻無法使用,請問該怎麼辦呢? If I chose not to write the E-mail Address into the certificate when I applied for the certificate, but now I cannot send or receive secure emails now, what should I do?
如需更改寫入憑證的email且又有使用保密電子郵件,外來人口自然人憑證IC卡採線上修改方式,請上網到憑證管理中心網站,網址:https://moica.nat.gov.tw  外來人口/憑證作業/新增憑證內電子郵件信箱,作業方式敬請參閱網頁說明。
If you need to revise the email written in the certificate and use confidential email, the alien citizen natural person certificate IC card can be revised online. Please go to the Certificate Management Center website https://moica.nat.gov.tw/ and click alien citizen /certificate process/add and revise email in digital certificate, and refer to the webpage description for the related operation.