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標  題 外來人口因更換統號而須更換新自然人憑證者,免費更換卡片作業延期至112年1月2日(含)止。 It’s free to replace the MOICA card for foreign national’s uniform number changed, and it will be postponed until January 2nd 2023.
日  期 2022-02-14
發布單位 內政部資訊中心
內  容 有關外來人口配合移民署政策更換新式統號,導致舊自然人憑證廢止而須換發新自然人憑證者,原決議比照新式居留證作法,於111年1月2日(含)前均准予以免費重製自然人憑證卡,現因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情影響,本部資訊中心同意延期一年(至112年1月2日(含)止)。
The uniform number of the foreign national is replacing with the Immigration Department's policy. The old MOICA card is revoked and must be replaced with a new one. The original resolution was adopted on January 2, 2022, and it’s allowed to reproduce the MOICA card free. Because of the Covid-19, the Information Management Center of the Ministry of Interior agreed to extend for the foreign national to reproduce the MOICA card free until January 2, 2023.