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憑證廢止清冊 Certificate Revocation List MOICA憑證廢止清冊(CRL)公布,提供信賴憑證者檢驗憑證之憑證狀態。
Certificate Revocation List (Second Generation) MOICA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is announced, providing the relying certificate to verify the certificate status of the certificate.

This inventory is produced at midnight and 12:00 noon every day, and there will be a time difference of up to 12 hours from the actual certificate status of the certificate user. The certificate relying party should assess the risk of this time difference when using CRL to verify the certificate status, or Switch to online real-time certificate status inquiry (OCSP).

 憑證廢止清冊(第二代)完整清單.crl  憑證廢止清冊(第三代)完整清單.crl
MOICA憑證下載 MOICA voucher download 內政部憑證管理中心(MOICA),自身憑證下載
The voucher management center of the Ministry of the Interior (MOICA), download its own voucher
 MOICA憑證下載(第二代).cer  MOICA憑證下載(第三代).cer
內政部憑證管理中心憑證實務作業基準 The Certificate Practice Benchmark of the Certificate Management Center of the Ministry of the Interior 說明MOICA如何如何運作,以符合我國電子簽章法的CPS應載明事項規定,並遵照"政府機關公開金鑰基礎建設憑證政策(GPKI CP)"保證等級,且符合政府機關公開金鑰基礎建設技術規範及國際標準規範 。
Explains how MOICA works in order to comply with the provisions of the CPS in my country’s Electronic Signature Law, and comply with the "Government Agency Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Policy (GPKI CP)" guarantee level, And it complies with the technical specifications for public key infrastructure construction of government agencies and international standards.
 內政部憑證管理中心憑證實務作業基準.pdf  Ministry of the Interior Certificate Authority Certification Practice Statement Version 2.0
PDF 844 MB / 745 KB
政府憑證總管理中心憑證實務作業基準 Government Certificate Management 依據政府機關公開金鑰基礎建設憑證政策訂定,並遵循憑證實務作業基準應載明事項(電子簽章法)相關規定,說明GRCA提供憑證服務之相關作業程序。
Center's certificate practice standards are set in accordance with the government agency’s public key infrastructure certificate policy, and follow the relevant provisions of the certificate practice standards (electronic signature law), and explain the relevant operating procedures of GRCA’s certificate services. .
政府機關公開金鑰基礎建設憑證政策 Public key infrastructure certificate policy of government agencies. 依據憑證實務作業基準應載明事項(電子簽章法)、國際相關標準(RFC 2527等)及參考美國、加拿大、瑞典等先進國家經驗訂定之技術政策文件,供政府機關憑證機構訂定憑證實務作業基準之依循。
According to the certificate practice standard, the items should be stated (electronic signature law), relevant international standards (RFC 2527, etc.), and technical policy documents formulated with reference to the experience of advanced countries such as the United States, Canada, and Sweden, It is for the government agency's certification agency to establish the basis for the certification practice.
政府機關公開金鑰基礎建設技術規範 Technical specifications for public key infrastructure construction of government agencies 依據最新國際標準訂定之技術規格,提供政府機關建置憑證機構之依循。
The technical specifications set in accordance with the latest international standards provide a basis for government agencies to establish certification agencies.
GPKI 憑證與憑證廢止清冊格式剖繪 GPKI voucher and voucher revocation inventory format mapping 依據相關最新及重要標準來制訂憑證格式剖繪、憑證廢止清冊格式剖繪,以做為我國電子化政府建置PKI的參考依據。
According to the relevant latest and important standards, the voucher format mapping and voucher revocation inventory format mapping are formulated to serve as the reference basis for my country's electronic government to establish PKI.
 GPKI 憑證與憑證廢止清冊格式剖繪.pdf