If a subscriber has selected Yes (No) in applying for a certificate, can he/she changeit to No (Yes) now?
MOICA follows PKIX CMP international standards in setting its certification administration. The applicant must select Yes or No to publication of his/her certificate according to CMP standard. No option is provided in CMP standard to change this selection. However, to better service subscribers, the Interior Ministry Certification Authority now permits online change of publication. You can go to the Certification Authority website: (Certification/Online Revision of Publication) to change your selection.
How to change certificate publication from Yes to No, or vice versa?
You can go to the Certification Authority website: to click on “Certification/Online Revision of Publication” to change your selection. Operation details are as follows:
- On the MOICA website click on “Certification”, then select “Online Revision of Publication”.
- Enter your Citizen Digital Certificate IC card password (or PIN code) in a box of the window menu; then, click to select “Data Retrieval”.
- Upon retrieving your data, check that you have rightly selected your mode of publication, click “OK” and double check it again, then click “Yes”.
- When this message “Card No. GP00000000XXXXXX Certificate set to Published/Not Published” appears, you have completed change of publication. Subscribers can enter his/her complete certificate IC card number under “Certification/Check Certification Issuance Status” to instantly see whether revision of publication been completed.
Why publishing certificates? What would happen if certificates were not published?
To protect personal privacy and internet certification convenience in publishing the Citizen Digital Certificate, only the name, last four digits of the ID and certificate serial number will be published (also email address if the public includes his/her email). After publication, the public will find it faster in searching for relevant information while applying for government internet service such as application service of the e-Government.