What are the uses of your Contact Address?
The Contact Address is used for mailing relevant information to subscribers including expiration notice, certificate suspension notice, certificate recovery notice and latest news from the Certification Authority. Use of your certificate will not be affected even if you have not timely changed your email address. Your query for various application services will not be emailed to you, so there is no concern for disclosure of private information.
After changing your Contact Address online, can you use your new Email Address to send encrypted email?
Since the Contact Email you changed online is being used by the Certification Authority to send notice messages and you did not write this email address into the certificate, thereby you cannot use this email address to send encrypted email. If you want to write this email address into your certificate to enable it to send encrypted email, you can bring your original ID and certificate IC card to make changes at the counter of the household registration office.
If you change your email address written in your certificate, will it also change your contact email address?
No, it won't. The functions and way of registration are different for the email address written in your certificate and the Contact email address, so change of your certificate email address will not affect your Contact email address.
What are the different uses of the Contact Email Address which you changed online and Email Address which you wrote into your certificate at the time of application?
Selecting to write your Email Address into your certificate at the time of application permits you to use digital signature and encryption for secure email in S/MIME email format (for instance: Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express). The Contact Email which you changed online is used by the Certification Authority for mailing relevant information to subscribers including expiration notice, certificate suspension notice, certificate recovery notice and latest news from the Certification Authority. Use of your certificate will not be affected even if you have not timely changed your email address.