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How to get the Usage of the certificate? Please cite sample programs.
  1. First, get the certificate from the IC card (GetCertificateFromGPKICard()).
  2. Convert the certificate structure format (DecodeCertificate0).
  3. Get certificate information (GetCertInfo0).
  4. Get extension information (GetExtension0).
  5. Clear the certificate structure internal information (CertBasicStructDestructor0).
Refer to the User Manual and Examples for relevant parameters of Functions.
How to get certificate owner's email? Please cite sample programs.
  1. First, get the certificate from the IC card (GetCertificateFromGPKICard0).
  2. Convert the certificate structure format (DecodeCertificate0).
  3. Get certificate information (GetCertInfo0).
  4. Get extension information (GetExtension0).
  5. Get sub-extension information (GetSubjectDirectoryAttributes()).
  6. Clear the certificate structure internal information (CertBasicStructDestructor0).
Refer to the User Manual and Examples for relevant parameters of Functions.
How to get the last four digits of the certificate owner's ID card number? Please cite sample programs.
  1. First, get the certificate from the IC card (GetCertificateFromGPKICard0).
  2. Convert the certificate structure format (DecodeCertificate0).
  3. Get certificate information (GetCertInfo0).
  4. Get extension information (GetExtension0).
  5. Get sub-extension information (GetSubjectDirectoryAttributes0).
  6. Clear the certificate structure internal information (CertBasicStructDestructor0).
Refer to the User Manual and Examples for relevant parameters of Functions.
What are the certificate interpretation procedures?
  1. First, get the certificate from the IC card (GetCertiicateFromGPKICard0).
  2. Convert certificate structure format (DecodeCertificate).
  3. Get out your information (refer to User Manual for related Functions).
  4. Clear the certificate structure internal information (CertBasicStructDestructor0)
Refer to the User Manual and Examples for relevant parameters of Functions.