憑證IC卡廢止 Certificate Revocation
Certificate Revocation
說明 What |
憑證IC卡廢止 Annul the MOICA IC card |
條件 When |
用戶在以下情形時(但不限)必須向註冊中心提出廢止憑證申請: Users under (but not limited to) the following situations must apply for annulling the certification at the registration center:
- 懷疑或證實私密金鑰遭到破解。
Suspicious or affirmative of breaking of the private key.
- 憑證所記載之資訊重大改變,足以影響其信賴度。例如用戶的名稱已變更。
Key information affecting reliability of the certification has been changed, such as the user name has been changed.
- 憑證不再需要使用。
Certification is no longer needed.
文件 Required |
居留證正本 ARC card |
地點 Where |
移民署服務站 Immigration Service Station’s RAC counter |
步驟 Steps |
- 申請人親赴就近之申辦櫃檯,表明欲廢止自然人憑證IC卡並繳驗居留證。
The applicant goes to the nearest HRO’s RAC counter, askingfor annulling the MOICA certification by presenting their ARC card for identity verification.
- 承辦人員交付憑證IC卡廢止申請書,由申請人填妥後繳回。
The RAC gives the application form of certification annulment to the user. The user fills out the form and submit it to the RAC personnel.
- 完成作業後申請人取回證件、收執聯。
Upon completion,the applicant retrievesID cardand the receipt of application form.
- 憑證廢止申請審核通過後,用戶可連線至儲存庫查詢憑證廢止情形。
After the certification annulment is approved, the user may check the web site of data repository to verify the status of annulment.
注意事項 Notes |
- 憑證廢止申請申請審核通過後,本管理中心將於一個工作天內完成憑證廢止作業。
One working day after application for certification annulment has been approved, the management center will complete the annulment.
- 若司法機關依正式公文通知欲廢止特定的憑證,則本管理中心將於審視通知公文後,將憑證廢止。
If being notified by the judiciary for specific annulment case, the management center will verify the official documents and do the annulment.
- 本管理中心得就下列情形逕行廢止憑證,毋須事先經過用戶同意:
The management center has the right to annulthe certification on the following circumstances without prior user consent:
- 確認憑證記載之內容不實。
Confirmedthe contents of the certificate not valid.
- 確認用戶之私密金鑰遭冒用、偽造或破解。
The user's private key was fraudulent, forged or cracked.
- 確認憑證管理中心之私密金鑰或系統遭冒用、偽造或破解,足以影響憑證之信賴度。
Confirmedthe private key or certificate management center of the system was fraudulent,counterfeit or cracks, sufficient to affect the reliability of the certificate.
- 確認用戶之憑證未依本作業基準規定之程序簽發。
Confirmed the user certification procedure had not conformed to the basic rules of certification process.
- 確認用戶違反本作業基準或相關法令規定
Confirmed that the user has violatedbasic principles of the relevant laws and regulations.
- 依據司法機關正式公文之通知。
Based on official documents of the judicial notice.
- 用戶死亡或經死亡宣告者。
For users who died or been declared dead.
- 用戶喪失中華民國國籍者。
Lossof ROC nationality.
- 用戶做姓名變更者。
Users who do name change.
- 用戶居留證統一編號變更者。
User’s ARC card number has changed.
- 用戶申請憑證內容變更者。
Users applied for change of certification content.
- 用戶申請金鑰更換者。
Users applied for private key change.
- 受監護宣告者。
Declaration of being under guardianship.
- 用戶申請憑證展期者。
Users applied for certification extension.