首頁 問答集


移民署受理申辦憑證的時間為何? What are the business hours for the Immigration Agency to accept certificate applications?
內政部移民署服務站受理申請外來人口自然人憑證時間:星期一至星期五 08:30-17:00
移民署服務站 :https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/5388/7181/7184/7193/

The business hours of the Immigration Agency of MOI service station for applying the alien citizen natural person certificate are 08:30-17:00 Monday through Friday Immigration Agency Service Station: https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/5388/7181/7184/7193/
如辦理國籍變更為中華民國且在台灣設有戶籍者,需重新申請憑證IC卡時,可否立即申請? Can I apply for changing my nationality to the Republic of China and having a household registration in Taiwan immediately when I need to reapply for the certificate IC card?
If you change your nationality to the Republic of China and have a household registration in Taiwan, the alien citizen natural person certificate will be automatically revoked due to the change of identity. If you still need to use the certificate, you should apply for a national natural person certificate separately in 3 working days after the change of data. Please bring an official copy of the identity card and IC card with NTD 250 to the counter of the nearby Household Registration Office to apply for a natural person certificate.
外來人口自然人憑證有效期限多長? How long is the validity period of an alien citizen natural person certificate?
外來人口自然人憑證依照行政院訂頒之『政府機關公開金鑰基礎建設 憑證政策』規定為五年。
The alien citizen natural person certificate has a validity period set to 5 years in accordance with the regulations of the “Government Public Key Infrastructure (GPKI) Policy” promulgated by the Executive Yuan