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外來人口自然人憑證,忘記PIN碼? What should I do if I forget the PIN code of the alien citizen natural person certificate?
請至內政部憑證管理中心網站,網址:https://moica.nat.gov.tw/ 外來人口/憑證作業/忘記PIN碼鎖卡解碼,輸入正確的用戶代碼驗證成功後,即可重新設定新的PIN碼,讓卡片得以繼續使用。
Please go to the Certificate Authority of MOI website, website: https://moica.nat.gov.tw/ alien citizen/certificate process/how to unblock IC card and reset PIN, enter the correct certificate subscriber code, reset a new PIN after verification before using the card again.
(To protect the subscriber’s rights and interests and take the security into account, please remember your certificate subscriber code and PIN code since the Certificate Management Center and the Immigration Agency do not keep the certificate subscriber code and PIN code set by the subscriber, so that please remember the certificate subscriber code and PIN code after revision).
如何更改外來人口自然人憑證PIN碼? How do I change the PIN code of the alien citizen natural person certificate?
請至內政部憑證管理中心網站,網址:https://moica.nat.gov.tw/ 外來人口/憑證作業/修改PIN碼 ,依照網頁內容進行操作,即可設定新的PIN碼。
Please go to the Certificate Authority of MOI website: https://moica.nat.gov.tw/ alien citizen/certificate process/how to change PIN, follow the webpage description to set a new PIN code.